Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More celebration

We went to Incredible Pizza today after ballet class to celebrate my escape from the Dreaded Cancer Center of Doom!

Anyway, the most important news is that, for the first time EVER in the history of the world, I beat El Freddo at mini-bowling! Mind you it was by something like three points, but by GAWD the win goes to ME! (I got within 10 points of him in shooting; I've yet to get him there.)

In related news, Livi did not injure herself or others while mini-bowling and, notably, succeeded in actually getting a strike at one point!

Sadly, I was unable, despite my VASTLY SUPERIOR** driving skills, to beat El Freddo at Go-Karts. It appears that they are all set to the exact same speed, so if you're lucky enough to be the car directed to the left, you will always stay ahead.

I wonder if this is how Nascar works?

**This point will be revisited at Grand Prix Speedways the next time we can get a babysitter. I understand those bad boys go 60 mph.

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