Monday, September 8, 2008

The Chlorine Family Rosenblogger

Not only have I been subbing water aerobics classes for other teachers, but I now have a class of my very own! Yes, I have a HIGH INTENSITY class, too. (Eeesh.) It's called Power Aquacize. It's everything I teach now, just faster and harder. No prob, right?

My class today was giving me crap for turning up the intensity on them in preparation for my debut on Tuesday night with the "Power" class. Bottom line? I'm subbing for bunches of people AND have a class of my own.

As a result, as a preventative measure, my knees are bathed in tiger balm and wrapped in butchered pairs of El Freddo's old tube socks. Dara Torres has her Team Torres masseurs and trainers. Me, I got tiger balm and grubby socks.

Additionally, Liv starts swim team tomorrow at roughly the same time I'm teaching. I'm not sure how they're going to swing that, pool-space wise, but I guess I'll find out when I get there.

Bottom line? Liv and I are going to smell like chlorine A LOT from now on. Consider yourself warned.

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