Sunday, November 30, 2008

A tragic bean pie-related injury

Yes, the rumors are true: navy bean pie can be hazardous to your health.

This morning, having awoken before the family, I made a pot of coffee and settled down with a book to read in blessed silence. Hmmm....what's missing? Ah, yes. That last piece of navy bean pie from Thanksgiving at the Kaegis. I thought I'd just put that on a plate and my morning would be perfect.

That was not to be.

The pretty ceramic pie plate had a hairline crack which, when I applied pressure to get the last piece of pie out, burst into pieces, one of which ate part of my left thumb.

I put my coffee in a travel mug, the pie on a plate and my thumb in a towel and headed for the hospital. It was only 2 hours, but I barely got any reading done since there's not much business in the ER on a Sunday morning early.

In other news, my own El F has come to the grudging conclusion that my advanced water class is, in point of fact, hard. I subbed on Saturday and he took the class. He is walking with some difficulty today. I try to seem sympathetic, but he insists I don't look sorry!


Sarah k said...

Ok... I can't believe the pie ate YOU! lol... sorry about the injury hon but hey, it WAS for the last piece! There is always a varying amount of hazard involving the last piece!! LOL.....I hope it heals well!

Sarah k

M Easter said...


Hello there