Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blue Hand Group?

Okay, really. Add your joke here.

Did she vote 6 times in Iraq? Audition for Blue Man Group? Get the whole Lord of the Rings Uruk hai thing all wrong? (Sorry, if you're not a geek, just keep reading and ignore this joke; you won't get it.)

Or...could it be that I made the rookie mom error of assuming that bingo** "daubers" are actually water-soluble? Mmm...couldst be.

**I think it needs to be added here that I have not now, nor have I ever been, a bingo player. Craps? Sure. Cards? No problem. Bingo? Not til I'm 80 and live in Miami. It looked like fun for Her Imperial Majesty's art projects. 'Nuff said.

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