Saturday, February 16, 2008


I am not a happy camper. Not cheery. Not perky. Not, I suspect, even terribly pleasant today.

It has come to my attention that further remaining in any state of denial is pretty much out. All the pre-surgery hoo-hah has really taken hold this weekend.

I can't have ibuprofen or aspirin, despite the decibel levels of my household. I can't have glucosamine or Aleve for my crotchedy old knees. I'm up to my eyeballs in pre-operative paperwork. I had to roust perfectly innocent family members who were otherwise minding their own business and ask them highly intrusive, personal health questions for my geneticist's paperwork.

AND, here's the kicker, I'm due at the surgeon's at 10 a.m. Monday. Surgery is not til 1 p.m. I can't have a bite to eat or a swallow of any liquid after midnite Sunday night -- even coffee. No coffee? Are they sadists?? Is this not unconstitutional under the 8th Amendment? Even the Wikipedia agrees:

In Furman v. Georgia (1972), Justice Brennan wrote, "There are, then, four principles by which we may determine whether a particular punishment is 'cruel and unusual'."

  • The "essential predicate" is "that a punishment must not by its severity be degrading to human dignity," especially torture.
  • "A severe punishment that is obviously inflicted in wholly arbitrary fashion."
  • "A severe punishment that is clearly and totally rejected throughout society."
  • "A severe punishment that is patently unnecessary."
No coffee before 1 p.m. when I'm both sober and awake? Surely this must be some kind of elaborate joke.

Poor Fred. Assuming they put me "out" about 10 minutes before surgery, he has to sit (not counting the morning ritual, the drive to the babysitter's, and the trip to the hospital) for almost THREE SOLID HOURS with a hungry, caffeine-deprived me. I think he may have a constitutional claim, himself.

1 comment:

Molly Brawley said...

Stace--You poor are just like me, trying to laugh it off and as the cloud looms it gets harder and harder. Since I had three flippin' surgeries I was glad my sis told me to pick the earliest surgery times possible--my non-drinking prior to surgery also caused issues with my veins..I told them it was their fault.

I remembered what you are feeling like it was yesterday. The day before my mastectomy I was at a high school football game and my students were very aware what was happening and were so sweet..too sweet, as I ended up bawling like a baby during the game, knowing i was going to miss work, be one boob short, etc. But it all was fine when it was over. You will wake up, take more drugs, and go home to sleep some more. I was going to suggest some Xanax or something--I am now a poster child for better living through chemistry and am a proud drug user! (ok, i shouldn't make light of it)

I'll keep checking in...and I know everyone is different but this will be easy, I PROMISE. (ok, maybe not easy but definitely do-able!)


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