Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Rosenbloggers build a greenhouse

Yep, we winged it. We sat down with a piece of paper, drew out some rough sketches and built me a grow frame. Technically not a greenhouse-- it's not protected from the elements, although, come winter, it could be should I get so motivated.

It's eight feet deep and six and a half feet tall. The growbed in the center is 6' x 3' x 10" which means I actually bought more stuff to plant than I have room for-- thus the pots along side the growbed.

In the meanwhile I am just as pleased as I can be! I'm growing tomatoes, peppers, spaghetti squash, strawberries, cucumbers, all kinds of stuff. I am the rookiest of rookie home farmers, but if my grandmothers could have victory gardens, so can I.

I may paint and pretty it up some time, but right now I am overjoyed. AND, Miz bald breast cancer patient hefted 2 x 3s, bales of chicken wire, 40# bags of soil and wielded a staple gun like a mensch. Okay, a mensch covered with a LOT of sunblock.

(Oh, and for those who haven't been to the house, that 1200 sq foot behemoth next to the grow bed? Our garage. Long story. The previous owners were nutty as pet ducks.)

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