Saturday, August 30, 2008

Um...anyone looking for a gently used wife?

I have been toying around with the idea of getting in good enough shape and taking classes to get credentialed as a trainer recently. El Freddo, perhaps foolhardily, suggested I practice by training him.

I demurred. Surely it would spoil the balance of marital power? Surely it would make it awkward when he didn't want to go to the gym to train?

Nope, quoth he. Give it a shot.

So today was day one. (The photo is of me post-workout; my hair is so dark because it is soaked. You do the math.)

El Freddo says I'm not his favorite person right now. In fact, when I asked if he still wants to stay married to me, he said he's "thinking about it."

*sigh* So. Anyone looking for a gently used wife? Room and board OBO.

1 comment:

R... said...

I've been so out of the loop and even though I haven't checked in in a big I've been thinking of you! I think it's awesome that you're thinking of being a personal trainer, but yeah, I think training one's spouse might be a bit tooooooo much. What I really want to know is if you were sweating from working out or from dealing with El Freddo while HE worked out?? ;-) Do keep us posted on how it goes!


Hello there