Saturday, September 13, 2008

The NEW quintessential STL question

Those of you who have ever resided in this fair city are doubtless aware that, when meeting other St. Louisans for the first time, the question of high school invariably comes up.

"So..." one of us will ask with a meaningful glint in his/her eye, "where did you go to high school?"

The answer, we think, gives us loads of information about our new acquaintance. Pinpoints them geographically and possibly gives some insight into their character. Or so we, as a culture, believe.

At the PTO meeting this week, someone mentioned that Liv's old preschool is selling the tshirt shown below. To say that El Freddo and I sprinted to the KECC office to buy some gives too much dignity to the term "sprint." I know I, personally, was slavering to purchase at least two-- one for myself and one for Liv. El F elected to forgo the pleasure. But he's posted the joke all over the internet amongst his friends.

Ahhh...the life of a St. Louisan is one sweet, silly in-joke.

1 comment:

M Easter said...

ha ha! that is perfect

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