Friday, February 1, 2008

Intellect: 0 Doctors: 1

Okay, never EVER read a pathology report yourself. I did. Fred did. We googled the terms. We concluded I was doomed. Utterly.

I'm not.

Am I in for a walk in the park? a bed of roses? Oh HELL NO. I'm getting surgery, chemo and THEN, for added laughs, some radiation. And then, stay tuned for some tamoxifen, baby. The hits just keep on coming.

So if you're going to the pool with me this summer, I'll be the bald one in the really big hat with absolutely no skin exposed to the sun whatsoever.

But, by GAWD, I'll be there.

1 comment:

Molly Brawley said...

Stacey--I found you too! I will get caught up on your blogs and can't wait to do so. Cancer can bring us new and better things...glad to have found you.


Hello there