Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another party heard from or: 9:1 ginseng makes the medicine go down

Got a bunny card with an article from a chemist trade journal from my Sis-in-Law today. Haven't heard much of anything from el Freddo's family here in town since I got diagnosed in January, so it was kind of nice to be remembered, however belatedly.

Anyway, turns out there's a relation between ginseng and positive reaction to adriamycin, my chemo drug. (Good thing I speak chemist, huh? My career in law was not a waste-- I speak many "foreign" languages, including doctor, contractor, and a little bit of farmer.)

But back to ginseng. If you have a 9:1 ratio of water to ginseng in suspension, it helps the adriamycin do its job. Is this anything like a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down? Methinks Mary Poppins might be slightly bemused by the whole nasty business.

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