Monday, April 7, 2008

Unsucktastic day #3

Hell, I'm going to get all used to feeling fine and then they're going to chemo my a$$ again here soon. Grrr.

Well, after the shootings in Kirkwood some weeks ago, there've been a few benefits held for the families of the victims and we've, of course, participated. Today, a bunch of stores and restaurants donated portions of their proceeds and the like, so we ate out in Kirkwood.

This is not unusual. We like to patronize Kirkwood business if we can. It's just part of living in this wonderful place. But today we went to Dewey's and Ben & Jerry's. Yep. We "took one for the team," didn't we? YUM.

So, anyway, aside from sleeping more than your average newborn, or possibly even more than my dogs, I've been feeling pretty good. I had my favorite Dewey's pizza-- goat cheese, sundried tomato and pine nuts on white garlic sauce. Three or four days ago I couldn't have been in the same room with that pizza; today I devoured as much as I could.

We also bought the gift coupons they were selling for the benefit, so if any of you want to go to Dewey's some time, I'm there.

Cancer-wise, not much going on. My head actually has a little stubble on it. Goes to show you I got me some tough hair! AND my eyebrows and lashes are still hanging tough. Here's hoping.

Also, I had a random thought. Since I'm on chemo, which is essentially toxic, what happens to a mosquito that bites me? Naturally I'm hoping it dies a painful death, but I'm open to other theories...

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