Saturday, April 26, 2008

Whoops I did it again

Nope, I didn't do a Britney shave. My offense? I spoke too soon.

Absolutely nothing I eat is staying put today. This is one of the first times that I've really had the chemo experience people talk about. It's like the stomach flu, I guess only I don't really have the flu-like symptoms-- aches, pains, fever. None of that stuff. I just don't want to eat, and what I do eat, won't stay put.

I've found a way around that stupid scops patch that, it turns out, is the culprit for unfocusing my eyes-- I put tiny baby band aids over the patch. That way, if I don't get the stuff on my fingers, I can't then get it in my eyes. Granted, I look like I'm concealing the most colossal behind-the-ear zit ever in the history of skin ailments. But so what? I have nowhere to go until Sunday afternoon.

Now I'd best be healthy (or comparatively so) for Sunday, because on that day I'm going to meet my hero, Alton Brown! My homey L-Mac gets the prize for best scoop for a) finding out he was coming; b) getting line tix; c) getting books for him to sign and; d) hooking us up with the whole deal. Thanks L-Mac!

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