Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cancer News: the good, the bad and the indifferent

Went to the oncologist today; he needed to kick my tires and see if I'm healthy enough to be irradiated and so forth. Few bits of news:

1) First, I'm gonna brag: when I told him what I've been doing the last few weeks since chemo was over (building a greenhouse, playing whiffle ball with my kid, aerobics classes, etc.) he grinned and said he was going to tell all his other patients about me to give them hope. Never been more flattered in my life.

2) Told him my eyes are still horked up. Sometimes I can read okay, sometimes I can't. He said in all his long medical practice he can't remember anyone whose eyesight did not go back to normal within 6 months. Good, but it'll be a looooong 6 months. Eye strain headaches are no party, I can tell you.

3) He said I should see pigmented hair in a month or two. (ARGH!) But I should expect a full head of hair in the Fall some time. That means wigs and ballcaps and scarves all summer but...well, what can I do?

4) Radiation will be every day for six weeks and I can't bring Livi. It will make me tired, but only towards the end of the six weeks and will snap back fast.

5) Alright, if you're a guy and squeamish about girl stuff, stop reading. Gals, read on.

Still there? Okay, here's the thing. I'm one of those people who LOVE to be chilly at night; if the fan is pointed directly at me, I'm thrilled. Well recently, on a fairly mild night, I wore long underwear, flannel jammies, warm socks, a polar fleece hat and GLOVES to bed, under four blankets with my electric blanket set on HIGH and I was still freezing to death. Yes, girls, he says it's THE CHANGE. Thanks to chemo, my ovaries are giving up the ghost. There's some possibility that they'll "snap back" in a few months, but I hope not. I mean geez! if I have to go through all this crap now, why would I want them back, only to go through the same thing again in a few years?

Okay, so that's the news. Hope this finds all of you well and happy. Weather here is gorgeous. I'm taking my kid to the park.

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