Sunday, May 25, 2008

Getting stronger

Well, gang, I'm getting some of my strength back. Yesterday el Freddo and I started building my greenhouse. While I didn't do much heavy lifting, it is infinitely more work that I could've done two weeks ago.

On the other hand, I lost another bunch of eyelashes yesterday on one of our multiple trips to the hardware store. (Yeah, it's not a home project unless there are at least three trips to Lowe's. It's a law; you could look it up.)

As you can see from the Pat-A-Cake vid, my hair is almost colorless; it's mostly fuzz. Suffice it to say that I HATE THAT. I would like some frikkin hair now, dammit. And to quit losing eyelashes. Geez. I'm done with chemo. You'd think I could quit dropping parts of myself like a GD leper. Grrr...

But, again, I'm stronger and I'm eating. Enormously bloated like the frikkin' Goodyear Blimp, but since vanity is taking a backseat for the foreseeable future, a vast improvement.

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