Monday, March 24, 2008

Curses, foiled again, and other maladies

The Easter doll we "adopted" from Build-A-Bear (yes, I have succumbed to the evil lure of the insidious store) was not dubbed Lula or Nina, but, unexpectedly, Belle. Shame the "birth certificate" says Lula. Oh well. Liv can't read.

Me, I'm well. Although I have acquired the distinct habit of "powering down" at improbable moments. For example, we were moving furniture around. Not hefting large objects, mind you. Just pushing a lightly-built loveseat, for example. Moving the legs of a disassembled table. Nothing too strenuous.

Suddenly, I felt the need to sit down. Not dizziness. Not nausea. I just ran out of gas.

I sat down in front of the Cards - Mets pre-season game and was asleep before I knew it. And falling asleep in front of Cardinals baseball is NOT typical of me, I assure you.

It is just the weirdest feeling.

In other cancer news, I have not lost any of the stubble on my head BUT I'm finding very little need to shave my legs and underarms. THIS is a MARVELOUS development in my book! Almost makes chemo seem less than crappy.

Speaking of which, my next chemo infusion is this coming Friday. And if you think, after my last go-round, that I am not nervous, you are wrong. They are not entirely sure what landed me in the hospital last time, so they cannot entirely assure me that it will not happen again. Not a particularly confidence-inspiring set of circumstances.

However, I've been on ulcer-healing drugs since I was admitted to the hospital and, so long as I stick to veggies and bland foods, my stomach is perfectly cooperative, so I'm cautiously optimistic. But don't feed me anything fried or spicy; I am not fit company when my belly aches. And tragically, chocolate is out of the question. Oh, the horror!

Wednesday is the day I go in for blood tests and so forth so the doc can make sure I'm healthy enough to poison again on Friday. I will also meet with my geneticist to see if there are any further operations the docs recommend. Very complicated stuff. Will, as Fred likes to say, burn that bridge when I come to it.

Until then, lots of impromptu naps. Glad Liv hasn't taken it into her head to decorate mama while she sleeps!

1 comment:

R... said...

Hi there,

It must have felt weird to run out of gas like that. Glad you're indulging yourself in wigs and such whenever you feel the need to indulge! You truly deserve it! :-)


Hello there