Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Well, here we go, kids....

Male-pattern baldness awaits. Yes, the hair is going. That cute little stubble I've become so fond of? Well, when I rub my head, I end up spitting out tiny little bits of hair that inevitably find their way into my mouth. Pttthhhhbt!

Oh, and while mourning the onset of baldness, I happened to rub one of my arms, only to discover that somehow my arm hair had sneaked away in the middle of the night. You know that little peach fuzz gals get? Gone. Yesterday it was there, this evening? none. Probably rubbed off on my bath towel! What a shock that was.

So. Any hopes I had of maybe keeping my stubble (the Britney look) are pretty much dashed. But, as Fred pointed out, I'll be ready for my Cards temp tattoos just in time for the Home Opener!

But if you happen to be in a praying mood, please petition anyone to whom you pray for my eyebrows. I would really, really like to keep them.

Pre-chemo appointments with the oncologist and geneticist tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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