Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This is not my week!

Outwardly brave, inwardly...clumsy?

Yep. Twice in the span of less than seven days I have seriously dinged the front bumper in what was formerly known as "the beautiful red minivan." Now I think maybe it's the dinged-up (dingy?) red minivan.

Last week I hit the side of our garage while pulling in. Today, I scraped someone in the parking lot.

Great. Turned it in to my insurance and felt like a moron.

Well, the only good news was I found that, despite the size of my big, giant head, I can, in fact, wear regularly-sized bandanas. So I got that going for me, which is nice. Other than that? Zip. I think I'd like to go hide in my room now and possibly never come out again.


Oh, but I did make it to water aerobics today. That's a good thing. Sadly, I'm so tired my legs are trembling. But I went, by gawd. Less than three weeks after surgery and I was IN. THE. POOL.

(Image courtesy of; ouch!)

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