Thursday, March 13, 2008

The governor called

I'm being released!

It's been a long, strange trip which, this morning, journeyed down my esophageal tract to take a peek at all the trouble. Turns out there really isn't much going on down there. A bit of irritation. But NO cancer. NO gall stones. NO major ulcer. (a modest one which probably isn't big enough to account for the hospitalization all by itself, but still counts as a stress-related ulcer)

So the good news is they don't have to take anything out of me or, for the most part, put anything in. A little Nexium. That's about it.

That's it. I get to go home. I get to start my next chemo at the end of the month, by which time I should be bald as a cue ball. (Yes, there will be photos.) We're hoping there will be no further stomach troubles and will be medicating accordingly. Will that work? Hoping so. Don't really know. It's an adventure, right? At least I know what chemo's NOT supposed to feel like.

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